Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Mad rain-vain Poem (Fun Rhyme)

A drop dropped-topped made me stopped,
With prickling-trickling rain without freckling,
In a zig-zag – zo path without No,
Wandering inside ohh---hoo pain so slow,

The drizzle – dazzle at times bedazzle,
Mumbling- tumbling the goal is jumbling,
In the amazement of shining – mining and dining,
I forget my- oh- my in one clear sigh,

It was hanky- panky yet cranky,
Touching me deep – steep no weep,
I was dancing in rain-vain without strain,
On a feel which was happy-nappy and clappy.

Drizzle was dancing-prancing without glancing,
And I was so wet- set and ready to bet,
Dissolved in fun-shun and absolute run,
I enjoyed every time-rhyme of that wetted chime.

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