Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Just a Minute (Acrostic Poetry)

Just in case,
Utterance becomes logic,
Soberness becomes nature,
Timelessness becomes habit,

Awkward it seems?
Minute details of life,
Interrogates the flow,
Nasty experience gifts,
Umbrellas for the pain,
Twinkling uncertainties,
Eradicate logics.

Watch YouTube channel Creative Energy:

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Inspiration (Acrostic)

Insightful eyes,
Nurtures vibes of creativity,
Separating out sighs,
Painting white the negativity,
Insightful eyes,
Reconstructs the bridge of hope,
Artistically rising through ashes,
Taunting every dope,
Insightful eyes,
Omnipotent & pure,
Never-ending for sure.

Easy Poetry Writing - 5 Things to do for Writing Good Poetry

Monday, September 30, 2019


Anxiously in doubt, I am,
Out of words and mind,
So surprised I am,
Was I greedy or blind?

Life isn’t a play of words,
It’s a serious annoying job,
It isn’t enlightening loneliness,
It’s a sarcastic disturbing mob,

Look at those drenched eyes in sweat,
That had broken dreams & erased identity,
Who am I to question?
Even a proven evil’s sanctity,

Surprised at self-ego & satire,
I am lost in thoughts of negativity,
How could I ever believe?
That I could fall apart just for publicity.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Thank You Friend

A friend like you is a gift,
Bubbly in nature and swift,
Made me forget the pain,
Made me forget the rift,

Few moments of smile,
Made me light & agile,
A moment of bliss for me,
Is you, painting in style,

The timeless freshness of dew,
Is so soothing & so new,
The replication of the same,
Is our friendship, we knew,

The happiness walks along,
You are a melodious song,
Keep sharing, Oh Friend!
A thread that's infinitely long

The life comes with an end,
Every moment creates a trend,
From bottom of my heart,
Thank you, for being my friend.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dark World

Eminence of duality is favored,
In this ill-hearted valley,
Support denounce the victim,
Continuously as a never-ending rally,

Lies are adorned like jewels,
Disbelief overpowering soul,
Matter doesn’t matter anymore,
Astute world remembers every year “A forgotten goal”,

Ardent behaviors bleed insanity,
Insane pleasures are sane,
Lost authenticity of emotions,
& relinquishing smiles visiting darkest lane,

Oh God! Give Thy soul light,
Quivering eyes need to relax
Body fed up with reality,
Masking normality as perplex.    


यूँ सहमा सा क्यूँ रहता है,
तेरा मंज़र कुछ कहता है,

नदियो को चोट लगा ना तू,
जीवन इसमें भी बहता है,

यह जंगल भी एक घर ही है,
हर जीव यहाँ कुछ कहता है,

तेरा ही दर्द तो दर्द नही,
हर दिल यहाँ कुछ सहता है,

ना कर घमंड तू अब 'ए दोस्त',

हर शीश यहाँ कट ढ़हता है || Dr. DV ||

Thursday, September 26, 2019


एहसासो को पिघलाकर, एक रात बनाई,
लालच मन में छुपाकर, एक बात बनाई,

जब कर ना पाया, मैं खुद से ही दोस्ती,
दुश्मनो से खुद को बचाने , जात बनाई,

सहम जाता था, वो आँखे देखकर अक्सर,
बंदी ना बना सका उसको, बारात बनाई,

खुद पर भरोसा करना, ना सीख सका मैं,
पीठ पर खंजर चलाने की, सौगात बनाई,

इस कदर फँसा खुद ही भंवर में 'साथी',

बनाने चला था मैं चाँद, बिसात बनाई || Dr DV ||

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

दर्द की दवा

सोचता हूँ बैठे बैठे आँगन मे,
कैसी होगी वो सुबह,
जब बन जाएगी,
हर दर्द मिटाने की दवा,

क्या तब भाईचारा प्रधान होगा,
लालच और द्वेष के परे,
क्या सब का सम्मान होगा,
होंगे घर प्रेम से हरे,

क्या तब मुखौटे उतर जाएँगे,
एक रंग मे रंग जाएगा यह समाज,
छोड़ के बदले की हर याद,
भूल जाएगा क्या सब उपहास,

क्या तब अमीर अमीर,
और ग़रीब भी अमीर ही होगा,
क्या मज़बूरी मे पिसते शरीरो का,
आज़ाद कुछ ज़मीर भी होगा,

क्या तब इल्ज़ामो की बौछारे,
सूखे मे तड़पती सी होगी,
क्या तब सलाखो की बातें,
हर इंसान को ख़टकती सी होगी,

या फिर भी वो इंसान,
दवा जमा करता रहेगा,
दूसरो को दुगने मे बेचने के लालच मे,
पाप सदा करता रहेगा |

Set Me Free

I want to see,
The pains inside,
I want to flee,
In rains, with bride,

Oh, these desires,
Are infinite,
Oh, these fires,
Are so bright,

How can I,
Control emotions,
Oh, the sigh,
No promotion,

Is this end,
Of the sky,
Or just a trend,
to hide a lie,

I believe it's time,
To walk beyond me,
I believe it's rhyme,
That will set me free.

The Mad rain-vain Poem (Fun Rhyme)

A drop dropped-topped made me stopped,
With prickling-trickling rain without freckling,
In a zig-zag – zo path without No,
Wandering inside ohh---hoo pain so slow,

The drizzle – dazzle at times bedazzle,
Mumbling- tumbling the goal is jumbling,
In the amazement of shining – mining and dining,
I forget my- oh- my in one clear sigh,

It was hanky- panky yet cranky,
Touching me deep – steep no weep,
I was dancing in rain-vain without strain,
On a feel which was happy-nappy and clappy.

Drizzle was dancing-prancing without glancing,
And I was so wet- set and ready to bet,
Dissolved in fun-shun and absolute run,
I enjoyed every time-rhyme of that wetted chime.

Monday, September 23, 2019

दो पंक्तियाँ

बहुत लंबा है यह सफ़र, मंज़िल शायद खफा है,
मेरी ही किस्मत में शायद, इंतज़ार हर दफ़ा है || Dr DV ||

इस जलती धूप में देखो, हर अंग पल-पल जलता है,
जाने किसे महफ़िल में, मेरा ढंग पल-पल खलता है || Dr DV ||

बिन बोले वो सब बोल गयी, आखों से राज़ वो खोल गयी,
बस मुग्ध रहा मैं पगला सा, पल में वो रिश्ता तोल गयी || Dr DV ||