Wednesday, January 28, 2015

देश और मैं

देश की भक्ति करते है, हम देश भक्त कहलाते है,
चुन लेते है काँटों को जो, तो पल पल हम कहराते है,

एक बूँद पसीने की अपनी, सोने चाँदी से प्यारी है,
जब गिरते है हम गड्ढे में, उसपर इल्ज़ाम लगाते है,

सब चाहे सूरज और तारे, जैसे आकाश हमारा हो,
जब चुनने की आए बारी, सब कब्र में ही सो जाते है,

धाराए अनेक है बहती सी, पर मिल ना पाते है हम तुम, 
जो कहराते है दुख से हम, खुद की तब शान जताते है, 

यह देश नही बस उनका है, हम भी रहते है 'ए-जालिम',
करने की जब बारी आए, दूजे को राम बताते है || 

Friday, January 23, 2015

सब वार गयी

जब बोल पड़ी होंठो से वो, समझो दिल की जंग हार गयी,
जो बिन बोले बलखाई वो, समझो तुम पर सब वार गयी,

ना समझे हो उस दिल को तुम, नाज़ुक है जो फूलो जैसा,
जो देख तुझे मुस्काई वो, करके तुझे फिर प्यार गयी,

सच्चाई का है रोग ये, बस दिल से दिल का जोग है ये,       
जो आँसू आँखों मे देखे, उस देव के वो दरबार गयी,

वो सुबह है एक निराली सी, दिखती है नाज़ुक डाली सी,    
जो तुझको आँचल में पाया, तो भूल वो हर संसार गयी,

भगवान से भी बढ़ कर है वो, कोई ना समझे ये 'जालिम',
पल पल हमने कांटें बोए, बिन देखे वो उस पार गयी ||        

Monday, January 5, 2015

My love (Remix Poetry consisting of - Enclosed rhyme + Etheree + Lyrette + Rhyme + Fibonacci + acrostic + Quintet*)

I remember our meeting,
When you were wetted by rain,
No sign of tears or pain,
I still felt like cheating,

How can that dropping drop,
Touch your rosy lips,
You were the cause of slips,
You were my only crop,

Of our love,
Of our cozy,
And passionate hug,
And you beautiful eyes,
Melted my sighs into you,
And your fiery breath was heating,
My desires of closeness and freedom,
For a heaven of love and care of souls,

Pure love,
And breathtaking,
Your timeless touch
Digs so deep down,
To cherish,
To live,

And when I kissed the drops,
Resting on your cheeks,
I felt inside my heart,
Elation of numerous winning streaks,

Oh my queen your wet hair,
Were touching my neck,
Our ship of love was sailing,
Without the fear of being wreck,

You are,
My angel,
Your sublime kisses, 
Evokes life inside dead desires

Majestic tightness of your hug,
Youthful passion was on,

Love was painting the clock,
Overwhelmed senses went greedy,
Vivacious sun of adore,
Enchanted the symphony of trust,

Oh my queen of heart,
How can I forget our meeting?
My senses were slave of your flirt,
And my fortune was shining with our dating,
My memories still have your fragrance and every second it is elating.

Poet- Diwakar Pokhriyal

*Remix Poetry (consisting of Enclosed rhyme + Etheree + Lyrette +  Rhyme + Fibonacci + acrostic +  Quintet) - A form that I wrote using different existing poetic forms under same theme. For example in this poem the order of each poetic form written in bracket is in the poem. the first 2 paras are following Enclosed rhyme, then next 10 lines are Etheree and then Lyrette and so on and finally end at quintet (last five lines). The theme of poem is same throughout..

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year – 2015

Let’s start the year again,
With catastrophic serenity,
Bamboozled sanity of perfection,
In shadow of divine trinity,

To love and to smile,
Touching constellation of stars,
Nurturing the heart and mind,
Emptying the boiling jars,

Let’s paint reverence & hope,
Absorbing the positive vibrations,
It’s time for flowering of ideas,
And reuniting for the creations,

Pledging for light & right,
Let’s measure the sky so clear,
Let my symphonic wish instigate,
An awe-inspiring “Happy New Year”.