Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lovers' Cove May Link Up

Andy David initiated a brilliant poetry link up session called Lovers' Cove. He gave us his first line which can be read at I continue his thought with...

The link is going like this.... and my line after Elen Lackner's Line is .....

My Line :  

Strangulated in emotions, Dissolved in wrath, subliming my wits to that impeccable grim.


  1. Hello Diwakar.
    Welcome to Lovers' Cove!
    You have composed a nice line. I'm really enjoying how the poem is coming together. You did forget to add your line to the Linky for the next person, but not to worry, I've added it for you. Stick around & click on some of the other might discover something new. Thanks for joining the Lovers' Cove Challenge.

    If you like Lovers' Cove, then you might also be interested in the next Blog Hop Saturday!, which I'll be hosting over at my main blog on June 2nd. All you need to is linkup EITHER your blog OR a specific post OR your Facebook Fan Page (only one link per blogger is permitted at this time). For more information, please click here... Hope you can make it!

    BTW, please consider removing word verification. It makes it easier for myself & others to comment.

    Lovers' Cove

  2. :) Naiicceee
    Interesting take..
    and good choice of words too.

  3. Dear Diwakar,
    I'd like to say a big thank you for taking part in the Lovers' Cove Challenge.
    I have posted the final poem...come see!

    A Sleeping Flower...
